Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20

Today The Chipmunks had a special treat. John's Mom, Tracey, was our guest story teller and she read a book called, "A Baby Just Like Me," by Susan Winter. The older sibling in the book expects a baby to come home and immediately start playing and being her new friend. Instead the baby doesn't even "use the potty," and far worse, takes all of Mom's time and attention. After a chat and a reassuring hug, the big sister waited it out and eventually got a play mate.

At our large group meeting, I brought in my Thank You Bag with four items to be picked out of the bag to provide a visual of what I am thankful for - my family, my parents, a pillow and a cantaloupe - were the items. This gave children an opportunity to think about what they are thankful for; we recorded their thoughts.

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