Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 13

Using our rhythm sticks we sang and kept the beat to "Ram Sam Sam," and "I Have A Dog and His Name Is Raggs." We listened to a Jewish folktale, "Something From Nothing," about Joseph who loved his "made by Grandfather" blanket. When Joseph's Mom declared it was time to throw the blanket away, Joseph took it to Grandfather who made a coat, then a vest, then a tie, then a handkerchief and lastly a button out of the frayed material. He was quite a Grandfather and the children were impressed to see the many ways a blanket can change into something else. We did a project with color strips and gluing as children were encouraged to plan the placement of the paper strips before gluing them to the paper. It's tough to make a plan when you are 3 years old...

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