Monday, October 13, 2008

Wednesday October 15

Our circle of Chipmunks will explore the forces of nature through the book, WINDS.
After the story the children will explore the nature of wind by blowing leaves with straws or fanning the leaves with cardboard. This activity will be followed by using scarves to dance to "Sail Away" (Celtic Women).

Thursday and Friday, October 16 and 17

On Thursday and Friday we will enjoy two of Mrs. Wishy-Washy's adventures. In the first book the animals all hide from Mrs. Wishy Washy to avoid a bath;she ends up in the tub. In the second book the animals run away to the city, sickened by the thought of another bath and find themselves in jail. Instead of incarceration they get bailed out by Mrs. WW and, you guessed it, end up in the tub.

Children like to say the name Mrs. Wishy-Washy, because it is silly and it is easy to remember.

We will also sing a song, "Where is Pumpkin?" to recall our pumpkin picking experience. Children will experiment with orange paint, shaving cream and glue on Thursday and make orange play dough on Friday. Both activities involve science (What will happen when I mix something smooth and sticky?); our Friday project (playdough) involves math (measuring) as well as working together to make one product (waiting for people to add and stir requires patience).

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