Sunday, March 15, 2009

On Friday we played a game at circle, "Sleeping Giants/Waking Giants." Friday tends to be a high energy day, so we had a chance to jump as the waking giants, and then sleep as the quiet giants. Children like to pretend they are asleep and then bounce up following a direction. We also played, "The King/Queen Says," and had a chance to order each other around (instead of "Simon Says.")

On Thursday we practiced our sign language by singing "This Is The Way We Say Hello," using our hands and voices as we change hello to stop, more, and I love you. We learned a new song, "Wise Old Owl," because two of our chipmunks are very fond of owls. We looked at a language chart with "Humpty Dumpty,"; I point to the words and pictures as we say the rhyme, reinforcing the idea that print carries the message. After reading, "There's No Such Thing as A Dragon," we played a guessing game called, "Dragon, Dragon, Where's Your Bone," where one child is the sleeping dragon and another child takes the bone. Of course, many children like to confess that the bone is in their possession before the dragon has time to guess, or some like to be the reporters and blurt out the name of the bone hider.

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