Monday, March 2, 2009

On Friday the Chipmunks sing a song called, "We're going to Mexico," which involves clapping and other hand motions. Someone wants to go to the park, rather than Mexico, so we sing again. We join in a chant, "Five Little Monkeys," with a hand puppet glove with one monkey on each finger. Mr. Alligator approaches and one by one the monkeys are snatched up by the gator. Suspense builds. Even though we know what is coming, we still get excited. Finally, there are no monkeys left. Well, it is a fun way to count and learn subtraction and the children seem to get that this is, after all, just a pretend game. We move our chairs to the tables and each child receives a small piece of birthday "cake" (actually it is a play dough called flubber) and candles to put on the cake, after revealing how many candles are needed. The children cut their "cake," with plastic knives and chat. This is a simple math activity and also promotes eye hand coordination. Mrs. French

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